서울대학교 일본연구소 학술대회 (1)
기조강연1 : Undoing Cool Japan
Purpose : Critical review of the rise of “Cool Japan” as cultural policy and nationalistic discourse to promote narrowly focused national interests
- what people do with media culture beyond one-way flow
- How texts matter : (self)representation of & negotiation with identification - gender, LGBT/SOGI, nation, race..
- Political economy, production, digital capitalism
- Cultural globalization process : uneven connectivity and contextualized web of P/R/D/C
covid-19’s impacts on media culture
- shifting function of media culture
- democratizing potentials to foster mutual care and respect for diversity, equity
- public critique of racism, sexism, xenophobia
- promotion of diversity movements (BLM, anti-sexism)
Cool Japan policy..uncool and ineffective
- Opportunistic policy to enhance Japan’s image in the world
- one-way image projection, not promoting mutuality, by disseminating globally appealing “national” cultures
- unengaged with the enhancement of creativity & the improvement of labor conditions
- neglecting significant cultural questions
- Cultural complexity neglected
- different kinds of politicization of culture and engagement with power
- sub/cultural politics, negotiation and resistance obscured by the focus on “national form” and the promotion of “nation branding” and “soft power”
- dynamic process of cultural flows & connections under uneven de/re-centering globalization processes
- Dialogic potentials of media culture connections
- depending/complicating the understanding of Japan and Korea
- self-reflexive rethinking of one’s own identity, life, society and historically constituted relationships
- mutuality and dialogue beyond “I love Japan”?
- overcoming=obscuring historical issues?
- Inter-nationalized promotion of cultural diversity?
- diversity within borders disregarded/discouraged?
Nation branding & re-nationalization
- External projection & internal governance
- “branding reinterprets national identity in market terms and provide new narratives for domestic consumption”(Jansen, 2008)
- “the mundane practices of nation branding serve to perpetuate the nation form… Because they perpetuate a conversation about what the nation is for in a global context”
- Commercial nationalism
- reproduction of nationalism in market terms through a paired advancement
Imploding Cool Japan to advance cultural policy proper
- critical studies of media culture : cultural complexities and cross-border dialogue under uneven globalization processes
- re-orienting cultural policy
- cultural citizenship diplomacy : promoting greater mutuality & engaging with domestic publics
- not just know about “others” but unlearn about “ourselves” & “self-other” relations
- national interest beyond narrowly focused goals
- national interests cannot be sustainably enhanced with unless they serve wider public interests domestically and internationally
- cultural citizenship diplomacy : promoting greater mutuality & engaging with domestic publics
- engaging with diversity
- beyond business-drive inter-national promotion of diversity that does not engage with structured inequality and discrimination
- representation/consumption of “diversity”
- designing public pedagogy
- beyond the object of research, into collaborative intervention towards the democratizing uses of media/otaku culture